Are you one of those people?
There Has to Be a Way to Build a Writing Career without Fear…There Is – And I Can Teach It To You!
I’m Suzanne Lieurance, a freelance writer, the author of 40 published books, and a writing coach.
As a coach, I meet people all the time who say they want a writing career, yet they are too afraid to do what it takes to build such a career.
In fact, they almost make themselves sick about it.
If you’ve been dreaming of being a successful writer and published author, but you just haven’t managed to make this dream come true, see if any of this describes you…
• Does your stomach start to churn when you imagine querying editors with articles ideas only to have your queries rejected time after time (because rejection is just part of any traditional writing career, so you know it’s gonna happen)?
• Do you feel anxious when you even think of looking for and contacting professional sources for quotes and other information to use in your articles? Do you fear you won’t be able to find people who can give you the information you need for your articles, books, and other pieces? And, even if you do find these people, do you wonder how you would convince them to take the time to talk to you and answer your questions?
• Do you worry you’ll never be able to do all the research it takes to be a well-paid writer or, if you do manage to do all the research, you’ll run out of time to write and miss your deadlines?
• Do these feelings of anxiety, worry, and nervousness cause you to procrastinate much of the time and then feel guilty about it?
Yikes! With so many negative thoughts and feelings to overcome, it’s no wonder you aren’t a successful writer and published author yet.
And it’s no wonder you end up procrastinating so much of the time and feeling guilty about it.
But Don’t Get Me Wrong…
I’m not saying you haven’t had some success so far.
You may have managed to push through your worries for a while so you have a handful of business clients that you write for.
And you may occasionally force yourself to send out a query or two, and a few of them have actually been accepted and resulted in some assignments.
You may even have a finished, or half-finished, novel or nonfiction book in your files.
But the problem is, you just can’t seem to move beyond this stage to grow your writing career enough that you have a steady income month after month!
And when you think about this, those anxious feelings and worries come back and paralyze you so you don’t take any action to change your situation.
It’s a vicious cycle of worry, procrastination, and guilt.
But the good news is, this vicious cycle can end now!
Take a Deep Breath and Relax…
What If I told you a writing career doesn’t have to make you feel this way?
What if I told you there is nothing to feel anxious, worried, or nervous about?
What if I told you, you could be a fearless writer – a writer with no fears at all?
A writer who doesn’t waste time procrastinating instead of making money?
And best of all, a writer who doesn’t feel guilty all the time.
Hmm…don’t believe me?
I know what you’re probably thinking.
You’re probably thinking – That’s impossible!
Unless I could give you a pill that would take away all your fears and anxieties, or I’d simply propose you write for content mills and give up your dreams of making any real money, there’s no way you could be a fearless writer!
After all, there are other reasons you haven’t created the writing career of your dreams.
Reasons Like…
• Your writing isn’t good enough
• You don’t have enough time to write
• You don’t have the right contacts
• You don’t know what to do to get out of the writing rut you’re in
• It will be too difficult to make much money as a writer
• You’ll end up neglecting your friends and family if you create a thriving writing career
What if I told you these were simply limiting beliefs, just things you’ve told yourself for so long that you actually believe them?
Well, I AM telling you that right now!
All these reasons are simply not true because…
• your writing can be good enough
• you have plenty of time to be a successful writer
• you will gain all the contacts you need
• You can break out of your writing rut
• It won’t be difficult to build your writing career
• Your friends and family won’t be neglected if you build a successful writing career – in fact, they’ll probably beg you to write more and more!
If you could believe me, do you think you’d be able to overcome your fears?
Well, it really doesn’t matter because I’m not proposing you overcome your fears and I’m not proposing you simply write for low-paying content mills either!

What I’m proposing is you start a writing career in a different way. A way that doesn’t create all those fears in the first place because you won’t be taking any of the actions I just described.
That’s right….
• You won’t be querying editors with article ideas.
• You also won’t have to find professional experts to use as sources of information for your articles, books, etc. In fact, you won’t have to do any research at all most of the time.
And there’s something even better you’ll have to look forward to if you learn to follow my method for becoming a fearless writer:
• You’ll be writing about things you really care about. Things that are (and were) important to you.
• You’ll be writing about your own life experiences and you’ll earn cash doing it.
Stop Trying to Overcome Your Fears
If you’re ready to stop trying to overcome your fears, let me show you how to start a career as a fearless writer.
In fact, I want you to get ready to have some FUN as you build your writing career!
That’s right – Fun!
Register for my new 10-week program, Fearless Freelance Writing: Build a Successful Career Writing about What You Know and Love, and I’ll show you step-by-step how to build a writing career that makes you money writing about things you love to write about.
Anyone can make a living doing something they don’t enjoy – just take a look around.
Many of your friends and neighbors are doing exactly that!
But you don’t want to live that way.
You want to have fun writing as you earn money that will give you the freedom to live where and how you like.
You want to live the writer’s life you’ve dreamed about for so long.
And you can have that life.

When you register for Fearless Freelance Writing: Build a Successful Career Writing about What You Know and Love, you’ll be able to finally create a lucrative career you love because you’ll learn:
• The kinds of materials you can create from your personal experiences
• How to Generate an Endless Supply of Material to Write About
• Where to Sell Your Work
• Tips for turning your real life experiences into marketable pieces
• How to Add Humor to Your Work to Make It More Appealing
• How to Write with Style So You Sell More of Your Work
• How to Turn Your Personal Experiences into Your Own Personal Brand of unique products and services, to create higher and higher levels of income

Isn’t this exactly what you’ve been looking for?
Here’s what this 10-week program includes:
• A weekly lesson and assignment, where I’ll teach you step-by-step how to build your writing career around your personal experiences.
These lessons will help you become a better writer as you’re learning where and how to sell your work.
Plus, you’ll know exactly what to do, week by week, to build your career, so there’s no chance of a writing rut! There’s also no chance that you won’t know what to do to continue to move your career forward.
• Unlimited email support – Email me any time night or day with additional questions or something you need feedback about or when you simply need a little pep talk or moral support.
And that’s not all.
You’ll also get these BONUS items:
• Market Lists and Submissions Guidelines – Saving you hours and hours of market research
• Templates to Help You Write Different Types of Materials Based on Your Personal Experiences
• Checklists to Make Sure Your Work is Ready for Submission

PLUS, This Special Bonus When You Register for Fearless Freelance Writing
Nothing says you’re a professional writer like having your own book. You can write dozens, even hundreds of magazine articles, but people won’t take you as seriously as a writer as they will if you have a book with your name on it.
In fact, this is so important that as part of the Fearless Freelance Writing program, I’m giving you the opportunity to have some of your stories published in a book with your name on the (back) cover.
And, the best part is, you will have paid for this when you register for this program. There is no extra charge.

The other good thing about this book is that you can choose to use your homework assignments for the book rather than submit them to magazine and newspaper publishers OR you can write completely different stories for this anthology. It’s up to you!
The writers who completed previous sessions of this program have stories published in Snapshots from Real Life, and Snapshots from Real Life: Book 2, and Snapshots from Real Life: Book 3. They can also submit new stories for any future volumes of this collection (at no additional charge), so this is an excellent way to gain several publication credits over time.
This program includes:
• 10 weekly lessons and assignments
• Unlimited email support
• PLUS, all the BONUS items and the Opportunity to Be a Contributing Author to the next Snapshots book
Sign up here: One payment of $997
Or 3 monthly payments of $397